Scope of Study

I. Collect, Review and Evaluate Existing Data

  1. Collection of Existing Roadway Information
  2. Collection of Land Use, Environmental and Planning Data
  3. Collection of Existing Traffic Information
  4. Aerial Photography and Photogrammetry
  5. Topographic Survey
  6. Compilation, Review and Evaluation of Data Base

II. Traffic Studies

  1. Define Existing Traffic Volumes and Patterns
  2. Quantify Existing Levels of Traffic Operation
  3. Accident Analyses
  4. Travel Demand Forecasting
  5. Quantify Proposed Levels of Traffic Operation

III. Develop and Evaluate Improvement Alternatives

  1. Develop Alternative Roadway Improvement Concepts
  2. Type Size and Location Study for High Level Bridge
  3. Preliminary Analysis of Alternative Improvement Concepts
  4. Detailed Analysis of Feasible Improvement Alternatives

IV. Evaluate Environmental Impacts to Feasible Alternatives

  1. Drainage Studies
  2. Noise Analysis
  3. Air Quality Analysis
  4. Wetland Impact Evaluation
  5. Determine Comprehensive Impacts
  6. Identify Measures to Minimize Harm

V. Coordination and Public Involvement

  1. Newsletter
  2. Project Internet Web Site
  3. Transportation Corridor Committee Meetings
  4. Village/Jurisdictional Agency Coordination Meetings
  5. Public Meeting No. 1 (Preliminary Improvement Concepts)
  6. Public Meeting No. 2 (Evaluation of Feasible Alternatives)
  7. Public Hearing

VI. Working Papers and Reports

  1. Existing Traffic Conditions
  2. Future Traffic Conditions
  3. Wetland Impact Study
  4. Location Drainage Study
  5. Noise Analysis Report
  6. Air Quality Analysis Report
  7. Environmental Document
  8. Design Report